Town News

Posted on: Fri, February 16, 2024 - 11:34am
The Coventry Town Council is asking that any resident in District 2 that is interested in completing the Council term of Co. Ludwig which runs until November 2024 to submit a Letter of Interest to the Town Clerk at The…
Posted on: Mon, February 12, 2024 - 09:46pm
Due to inclement weather all Town offices will be closed Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Posted on: Mon, February 05, 2024 - 09:52am
The Town of Coventry will be offering the first of several community Trauma-Informed Care Trainings on Wednesday February 28th from 6-8:30pm at the Knotty Oak Room at the Coventry High School.  These trainings are a result of the Town receiving a…
Posted on: Tue, January 16, 2024 - 11:42am
For those Coventry residents and business owners that have sustained any damage to their residence or business during the 2 most recent storm events please download the RIEMA document and complete the appropriate application for the time frame that…
Posted on: Fri, January 12, 2024 - 11:11am
Coventry’s Technical Review Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, January 16th, at noon in the Planning Department conference room, Town Hall Annex, 1675 Flat River Road. Please find the meeting agenda as well as plan sets for both projects below.
Posted on: Thu, January 04, 2024 - 06:03pm
The Town of Coventry is prepared to protect the legal interests of its citizens with respect to any of the speculative measures set forth in the most recent release by Mr. Soscia and will exercise those options as necessary. Daniel Parrillo Town…