Our Transfer Station is open Mon-Fri- 7:30am- noon & 12:30pm-3pm. With Saturday’s only following a Holiday 7:30am-noon.
The Holidays that are observed are: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, VJ Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Day.
Have a heavy household item that needs removal? (If you have curbside pickup)
Call for an appointment 822-9110 x1
We can collect any household item with an appointment for a fee of $25.00. Any small items will need to be bagged, no broken glass or construction debris. Construction debris may be brought to our Transfer Station with purchase of a dump pass. A dump pass may be obtained with $40.00 cash only and proof of residency. Transfer Station is closed for lunch each day from 12-12:30pm.
Automated Collection Carts must be curbside each day by 7am. Carts should be spaced 4 feet apart from each other or any other object that may interfere with the collection.
If you miss your collection you may bring your household trash & recycle to our Transfer Station.
A link to the printable Recycling Guidelines are located in the sidebar of this page.
Yard Waste
We collect Yard Waste April-December weather permitting
No container will be collected if it is mixed with trash & yard waste.
All yard waste must be placed in paper bags or clean barrels.
Branches must be cut and bundled 4ft or lower.
Yard Waste should not be mixed with dirt, sand or mulch.
You may bring it to our Transfer Station for free year round.
Christmas Trees are collected each January and must be placed curbside void of any plastic or ornaments.