Town Manager's Weekly Report (3/21/25)


Town Manager Report for the week ending March 21, 2025


On Monday and Tuesday, we had our department budget hearings in which each department presented their FY 26 budget to the Council for review and answered any questions. At this time the Town Manager also presented his FY 26 budget to provide the Council a comparison view and more opportunity for discussion.


Finance staff is working with our auditors CLA who are in house retrieving documents to complete our FY 24 audit.


We are working with our HR Director to fill a couple of part time and full-time vacancies we have in DPW and the Human Services Department.


On Thursday several Directors and staff attended the 2025 RI League of Cities and Towns Annual Convention held at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick. It provides great training opportunities with all day sessions on various municipal topics from Planning and Housing, to Ethics, to Cybersecurity, and navigating Audits.


We had an updated call with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on our Coventry High School sewer project with bidding going out next month and construction starting in the summer with a 1-year completion date.


Today, Chief Frank Brown of the Hopkins Hill Fire District and Central Coventry Fire District retired after over 40 years of service. We all wish him the best in retirement as he continues his dedication to public service as one of our Town Wide Councilpersons.


Superintendent Cowart and I met this week to discuss the list of projects identified for the $25m School Bond as we prepare to identify and prioritize the greatest needs first at the Coventry High School, Feinstein Middle School, and Western Coventry Elementary School.


We have a Council meeting on Tuesday March 25 at 600 pm at which time I will present my complete FY 26 Operating Budget and Capital Budget along with the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan approved by the Planning Commission.