Finance Department

The treasurers' office has custody of all public funds belonging to or under the control of the town or of any department, office or agency of the town. The treasurer has custody of all investments and invested funds of the town in a fiduciary capacity. The office of the Treasurer prepares payroll for all municipal employees plus processing of all payroll checks and payroll tax reporting for all town departments including schools. Insurance and risk management functions of the town are also administered from the treasurers' office. While the school department does maintain separate property and liability policies the treasurer is responsible for all other insurance and claim functions including workers compensation.

Employee Contact Info
Finance Director Robert Civetti (401) 822-9130
Deputy Finance Director Vacant (401) 320-7057
Payroll-Insurance Administrator Karissa Haumann (401) 822-9153
Payroll Vacant (401) 822-9154  
Accounts Payable   Christine Leggett (401) 822-9155