Sewer Odors

The Town of Coventry is aware of the presence of a sewer odor in some areas of Town and is doing everything possible to mitigate the situation, as soon as possible.  As soon as our Town staff became aware of the situation, investigation began to try to identify the source of the odors and to put plans in motion to rectify the problem.  As it is difficult to pinpoint the source of the odors, experts have been brought in to help investigate the cause.

In the coming days, a sewer line cleaning contractor will be on board to clean sewer lines in the areas that have been experiencing odors.  While this work is being done, residents may experience a stronger than normal sewer smell in the air and will hear the noise of large vacuum trucks.

We ask that residents be patient while we work to mitigate the sewer odors.  If you are experiencing odors in your home, we recommend that you run water down all of your household drains, especially those in basements and on ground floors.  Closing windows and running fans may also help to dissipate any odors.  We are committed to do everything we can to clean up this issue as soon as we can.