Comprehensive Plan Update

A draft of the Town of Coventry’s Comprehensive Plan Update is finally ready for public review! This Comprehensive Plan updates the previously adopted 1999 Coventry Comprehensive Plan. As a major plan update, this revision undertook a complete re-assessment of existing conditions and needs and established a modern vision and set of goals the next 20 years. The process incorporated significant public input collected between 2018 and March 2023 including neighborhood workshops, stakeholder interviews, public surveys, and public meetings. Feedback on this final draft can be submitted through the General Feedback button on this page.

The draft plan posted here is the work of many individuals including the Coventry Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee and the Coventry Planning Department, with review and input by all town departments, various boards and commissions, civic and environmental organizations, and the community at large. Volume 1 is the publicly accessible document that walks through each plan element, outlines goals, objectives, policies, and actions for each. Volume 2 is a compilation of the detailed Existing Conditions findings for each chapter, providing the background for the content of Volume 1.

Note, many chapters in Volume 1 and all chapters in Volume 2 have previously been posted to the Comprehensive Plan section of this website for public review. This is just the first time all elements have been brought together in a fully formatted, camera-ready version! This draft is also under review by the RI Division of Statewide Planning.

After a 30-day public review period and incorporating final revisions, the Advisory Committee and Town Manager will begin the process of formal plan adoption, a process outlined on page 28 of the Rhode Island Comprehensive Planning Standards Manual, Comprehensive-Planning-Standards-Manual-Approved-8-12-21.pdf (

Thank you for your past and continued participation in the planning process!